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This is a blog of my daily thoughts things that are on my mind on a daily basis this is my way to let my voice be heard, on issues such as marriage, family, my crazy ass kids, friends, current events, polotics, crime and shit that i think just aint right. This blog is not only my voice it can be your voice aswell I invite you to comment, suggest,or even try to sway my opinions about things that I may feel or think, and by the time you hear some of the shit thats on my mind you will have some comments whether it is negative or positive!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Shooting In Miami!!!

Well as I was setting up my blog today and trying to decide what my first thoughts would be on my page, I was watching WSVN 7 news about an amazing shooting survivor by the name of Dharminiyah Moore. This amazing young man is 12 years old he was shot in the head while sitting in a a car in a drive-by shooting in Miami Gardens, FL.  The doctors were forced to remove part of a bone from the left side of his brain and some of his skull in order to save his life.  His skull will be replaced once he is better.  He is recovering at Kidz Korner a Plantation, FL. Rehabilitation Center where he is under going several types of therapy, while the shooter is still at large. (www.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/21002574234131)
My thoughts and prayers go out for this young man and his family, and if I had a little extra cash I would donate some to him, and his family the LORD knows they may need it right now.  This story touches my heart in several ways.  The first being that I have children three teenagers ages 19, 16, and 15.  Second I was a victim of a shooting were I was shot six times, and survived, and before you label me a thug, I was at work when I was shot so I know first hand what this young man is going through, and I pray that he has a speedy recovery.  Second  I do the best that I can as a MAN, and FATHER to keep my children safe, and I know that I cant keep my teens locked in the house, but it scares me to let them go to the corner store these days to buy some dam milk.and cookies (snacks).  My personal feelings say that we should start arming ourselves and get firearm training so that we can protect our families, and ourselves from these thugs, criminals, and wanna be gangsters out here.  I stress that we must get the proper licenses, and training to protect our lives,  You see the thugs are protecting themselves by saying snitching ain't cool until they have to bury there babies then they will see how it feels.  So finally I end my first blog by still stressing arm yourselves people, and protect you, and yours by getting training, and the proper licenses because our local government doesn't care, they only care about how much of our money they can waste, and how much revenue they can get from these fake as traffic cops (RED LIGHT TRAFFIC CAMERAS) they have another machine to do there job while they still sit on there asses, and not protect our communities,

1 comment:

  1. J. Gray, its really disturbing how many of our youth are needlessly killed daily. I hear your outrage and I echo the sentiment and emotion, but is arming every person truly the way to solve the problem? I am a registered, legal, licensed concealed weapon permit holder and I can't say that arming every American isn't going to make the situation any better. I feel that we all need to stop allowing the criminal element to take over our schools and communities. Let's be frank, this level of violence does not exist in a community where the average home costs $350,000 or more. So this epidemic is economically based and do I have all the answers? No, but I believe that this could be a real way to start a dialogue on what we can do and then put those ideas into action...what are your thoughts?
